
[Volume 1-2]

SWMU B-11 Links

SWMU B-11, view facing northwest. January 1999

Site Status: Closed (September 2004)


Description in Current Conditions Report (July 1999)


Aerial Photograph

Plans (Volume 1-2)

RL53 RFI Work Plan (May 2000)

TO0019 Work Plan (December 2003)

Investigation Reports (Volume 3-1)

List of Relevant Previous Investigation Reports

Section 4 of the Technical Memorandum on Geophysical Surveys (October 1995)

RCRA Facility Investigation Report (August 2002)

RCRA Facility Investigation/Closure Report (June 2004)


Table B11-1  Summary of Chemical Constituents Detected in Soil (February 2000)


Figure B11-1  Sample Location Map (February 2000)

Figure B11-2  Soils and Topographic Map (February 2000)

Figure B11-3  Geologic Setting (February 2000)

Figure B11-4  Sample Location Map (February 2000)

Figure B11-5  Surface Soil Sample Location and PCE Soil Gas Contour Map

Boring Logs

B11-SB1 through B11-SB5 (February 2000)