
[SWMU B-1]

Solid Waste Management Unit B-1 Work Plan

RL17 Project, February 1996

Soils: Tarrant Association, gently undulating (east); Krum Complex (middle portion of site); Trinity and Frio (west).

Known: Powder and ammunition burn area used in 1954 for burning powder and incendiary materials.

Previous Investigations: A previous field investigation (ES, 1993b) verified the location of the site.

A second investigation regarding potential groundwater contamination was performed under AL/OEB order 67. To characterize the solid waste management unit B-1, ten soil and rock samples were collected from three boring locations and analyzed for VOCs, SVOCs, and metals (Parsons ES, 1995b). See Table B1-1 for concentrations and Figure B1-1 for boring locations.

VOCs: None detected.

SVOCS: Phthalates were detected in Krum Complex soils, Trinity and Frio soils, and Glen Rose limestone. Results of other SVOC analytes were rejected due to deficiencies in quality control criteria.

Metals: All concentrations were below the background levels for CSSA.

Perched groundwater was encountered in two borings in SWMU B-1, although only one boring produced enough water to sample. No VOCs or SVOCs were detected in the grab groundwater sample. The only metal detected was chromium, which was found at a concentration (0.01 mg/L) well below the groundwater RRS of 0.100 mg/L. Results are summarized in Table B1-2. Boreholes were closed at the conclusion of the investigation.

No anomalies were detected during the geophysical survey.

Data Needs: Analytical data, including groundwater, surface, and subsurface soils analyzed for SVOCs and metals, are needed for verification and clarification of previous data.

Closure Activities: The following field activities will be performed to gather data for TNRCC closure of SWMU B-1.

SWMU B-1 Field Effort 1

There are no scheduled field activities during field effort 1.

SWMU B-1 Field Effort 2

  1. Three soil borings will be drilled to characterize the subsurface soils.

  1. Locate, receive approval, and drill three borings in the approximate locations shown as B1-SB4, B1-SB5, and B1-SB6 on Figure B1-1 as described in Section 2.4.1 of the Work Plan Overview. One boring must be located adjacent to B1-SB3 in order to sample in an area where groundwater was previously found.

  2. Obtain three samples per boring near the surface, middle, and total depths as described in Section 2.4.1 of the Work Plan Overview.

  1. Analyze each soil/rock sample for the phthalates found previously (Section 2.0 of the FSP). If water is discovered in any of the soil borings, all three borings will be sampled and potentially completed as groundwater monitor wells as detailed in Section 2.4.1 of the Work Plan Overview. Sample groundwater, where present, and analyze each sample for lead (as outlined in the FSP).

  2. Handle the investigation-derived waste (IDW) in accordance with the FSP.