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Groundwater Investigation and Associated Source

Characterization Appendix F - Technical Memorandum on Soil Gas Surveys

Section 7 - Well 16

7.1 - Site Description

Well 16 is located on the northern perimeter of the inner cantonment north of the "t" intersection of North Outer Road and Moyer Road. It is not a SWMU, but was added to the geophysical and soil gas surveys to investigate the immediate area around well 16. The site is bounded to the north and south by a fence and a paved road, respectively. Lying near the well 16 building is the well 16 roof, a water tank, and a utility pole. Also located on the site near the road is an overhead water supply, and near the inner cantonment fence is well D (Figure 7.1).

7.2 - Soil Gas Survey Results

PCE was the only target analyte detected in soil gas samples from the well 16 area. The highest concentration detected was 0.32 ug/L and occurred at location C,4 (Figure 7.1). A complete listing of the soil gas survey is presented in Table 7.1. Samples were collected from this site only during the initial phase of the soil gas surveys.

The PCE detected at well 16 appears to be a continuation of the PCE contamination detected to the south at Southeast Well 16 (Section 8) and South Pasture (Section 9). A distinct source of PCE contamination within the boundaries of the well 16 area was not found.

The highest concentration of PCE detected was 0.70 ug/L at location 50,50, near the center portion of the southern trench. Detections of PCE in excess of 0.10 ug/L tended to occur in the immediate vicinity of the trenches. The relatively low levels of PCE detected suggests that the site does not have a source of PCE that could cause groundwater contamination. The occurrence of PCE at this site could be related to migration from the oxidation pond which is located on a hill above and east of B-28.

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