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Technical Memorandum on Surface Geophysical Surveys, Well 16 Source Characterization

Section 7 - SWMU B-19

7.1 - Site History and Description

SWMU B-19 is located approximately 200 feet west of the oxidation pond (Figure 1.1). There are no records of B-19 ever having been used for management of wastes; however, CSSA has used it as a "scrape" area to collect dirt and gravel. In 1993, EPA requested that this site be included as part of the potential source characterization due to its proximity to the oxidation pond. No evidence of any waste materials was found during the field investigation. A limestone embankment is present on the eastern edge of the site and trees and brush are present to the south (Figure 7.1).

7.2 - Geophysical Survey Results

Figure 7.2 and Figure 7.3 depict contour maps of apparent ground conductivity and in-phase EM data, respectively, for the east-west EM transects at SWMU B-19. EM readings were taken at a 25-foot station spacing with east-west and north-south orientations of the instrument. A GPR survey was also conducted at B-19 using the GSSI SIR-3 system. The survey was conducted at 25-foot intervals in the east-west direction. There were no anomalies detected at B-19 during either the EM or the GPR surveys.

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