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Technical Memorandum on Surface Geophysical Surveys, Well 16 Source Characterization

Section 2 - SWMU B-1

2.1 - Site History and Description

SWMU B-1 is located in the north pasture northwest of Well 16. This site was apparently an area used in 1954 for burning powder and incendiary materials. there were some areas of stressed vegetation identified during the initial field survey. The site is relatively flat and unobstructed. The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) uses this site for cattle grazing. There are trees and thick brush, a fence line, a dirt road, metal and wood ammunition boxes filled with sand, and unidentified munition located on the eastern portion of the site (Figure 2.1).

2.2 - Geophysical Survey Results

EM readings were taken for both east-west and north-south orientations. Figure 2.2 and Figure 2.3 depict contour maps of apparent ground conductivity and in-phase EM data, respectively, for the north-south EM transects at B-1. During data collection, the EM-31 instrument was monitored to verify that no significant variations in the instrument readings occurred between stations. No EM anomalies were observed at B-1. There is a gradual increase in apparent conductivity to the west (Figure 2.2) which is interpreted to be caused by increasing soil thickness to the west.

A GPR survey was conducted at B-1 using the GSSI SIR-3 system. GPR data was collected along east-west transects separated by 100 feet. Over the majority of the site, the GPR profiles did not have the required resolution to detect subsurface stratigraphic changes. Indications of the limestone bedrock were observed along the east side of the site where there is only a thin section of soil overlying the limestone. The inability of GPR to detect subsurface stratigraphic changes is attributed to the clay soil present at the site.

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