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Community Relations Plan, December 2002

Section 6 - August 2002 Status of Community Perceptions and Concerns

This update of the CSSA Community Relations Plan is intended to continue to maintain effective communication between the post and the community. Interviews of local residents were held to gauge the effectiveness of the Plan through August 2002 and to determine if the public had suggestions to improve communication and dissemination of information. These interview discussions with state and local officials, community leaders, area residents/landowners, and interested citizens identified public information needs as well as the most effective method for disseminating this information. Input from the community provides information that maximizes efforts and provides effective management of the ongoing community relations plan. As part of CSSA�s community relations efforts, 27 people were contacted from April to July, 2002. Eleven persons declined to be interviewed. Results from the 16 people interviewed are presented below.

6.1 - Interview Population

To represent the diverse interests of the community and to receive feedback on CSSA environmental program to date, 27 interviewees were chosen from city or county departments, community organizations, property owners and local businesses. Of these 27 interviewees, 16 agreed to participate. Those interviewed included government officials, local residents, neighborhood associations, school representatives, local business owners and local well owners whose wells have been sampled by CSSA. As shown in Table 6.1, interviewees were assigned to one of four categories.

Table 6.1 - Interview Categories


Number of Interviews

Federal, State, County, and City Officials


Civic Organizations and/or Community Leaders


Well Owners near CSSA


Residents or Landowners near CSSA




6.2 - Results Summary

The principal finding of past interviews was CSSA did not have a large community presence prior to initiation of community mailouts in December 1999. Many people were unaware of the post�s mission as well as its environmental program until the CRP of August 1999 was implemented. Due to its relative size and purpose, CSSA is overshadowed by the other five military installations in the San Antonio area. In the previous CRP interviews, 92 percent of those interviewed stated that they were unaware of the environmental program at CSSA, and 69 percent stated that they could not remember any environmental projects at CSSA since living or working in the area. The interviews conducted for the 2002 CRP revealed that 94 percent of the interviewees were familiar with the environmental program at CSSA.

The environmental concerns at CSSA which affect groundwater quality seemed to heighten the communities� concerns about CSSA. Specific concerns include safety of the drinking water for local private well owners, along with an overall impression that CSSA needs to maintain a very effective CRP for informing the public. Other concerns included real estate values and whether property devaluations are occurring, as well as suggestions that CSSA consider forming a Remedial Advisory Board (RAB). The majority of people interviewed stated that they feel that CSSA has been very effective in informing the public. The rating of �very effective� was given by 69 percent of those interviewed, followed by 13 percent rating CSSA as �somewhat effective� and 18 percent giving a rating of �effective.� No ratings of �not very effective� or �not effective at all� were given.

In general, perception of the post and the manner in which CSSA addresses the environmental issues and keeps the public informed is predominantly positive. There is a continued need for CSSA to assure citizens it is completely forthcoming about the post in general, and about groundwater monitoring activities specifically. Response to the idea of future dissemination of information about CSSA seemed positive, with 100 percent of those interviewed wanting to remain on or be added to the mailing list.

6.3 - Community Responses to Interview Questions

Interview questions were formulated to elicit information on what issues need to be addressed by CSSA as well as gauge the current perception of the environmental program and information disseminated to date by the neighboring residents. The following summarizes the questions asked and responses given during the interviews.

  1. Would you like your results to be submitted anonymously? (Circle one) Yes No

Five of the 16 (31%) interviewees elected to submit anonymous results to CSSA.

Federal, State, County and City Officials

Neither of the two officials interviewed elected to submit anonymous results.

Civic Organizations

One of the three persons representing civic organizations decided to submit anonymous results to CSSA.

Well Owners near CSSA

One of the two persons interviewed asked to submit anonymous results to CSSA.

Residents or Landowners near CSSA

Three of the nine persons interviewed asked to submit anonymous results to CSSA.

  1. How long have you lived or worked in the CSSA area?

The majority of those interviewed are long-term residents of the CSSA area, with the average time living or working in the area being 16.4 years. Durations ranged from less than 1 year to 57 years.

Federal, State, County, and City Officials

The officials answered �not applicable� to this question.

Residents or Landowners near CSSA

Residents and landowners interviewed near CSSA have lived an average of 10.9 years in the CSSA area.

Civic Organizations

The average length of time that a civic organization representative has lived in the CSSA area is 21 years.

Well Owners

Well Owners interviewed have lived an average of 36 years in the CSSA area.

  1. Are there any specific environmental projects or concerns at CSSA that you can remember since you have been living in this area?

Federal, State, County, and City Officials

None, except for groundwater issue.

Civic Organizations

The civic representatives interviewed stated the current water and soil contamination as the only concern.

Well Owners

Well owners mentioned the current water investigation as a concern. One well owner stated that burning on base causes a white ash several times per year that covers their vehicles and hair. One well owner was concerned whether there is lead in the water, due to the post being a shooting range in the 30s and 40s.

Residents or Landowners near CSSA

Two of the nine interviewees mentioned explosions occurring on-post from time to time. All nine interviewees were concerned over the current groundwater monitoring issues.

  1. Are you aware of the environmental program at CSSA?

Federal, State, County, and City Officials

Both officials were aware of the environmental program.

Civic Organizations

The interviewees were aware of the program through the recent newsletters and contact with LTC Shirley.

Well Owners

Both well owners interviewed were familiar with the environmental program. One well owner communicated his concerns about the GAC system currently installed on his well.

Residents or Landowners near CSSA

Eight of the nine respondents were familiar with the environmental program at CSSA.

  1. How did you learn about the environmental program ongoing at CSSA?

Federal, State, County and City Officials

The officials were informed by contact with CSSA officials.

Civic Organizations

One of the civic representatives interviewed did not answer this question. The remaining two civic representatives were contacted by CSSA.

Well Owners

One well owner had learned of the environmental program from mailouts sent by CSSA and was very happy about the information mailouts. The other well owner answered that he learned about the environmental program because he lived in the area.

Residents or Landowners near CSSA

Two of the nine respondents were not sure how they first learned of the environmental program. Four respondents learned about the program from the fact sheets and mailings, one from a TV story prior to the public meetings, and one from the newspaper. One resident was unfamiliar with the groundwater monitoring program.

  1. Have you received information in the mail from CSSA concerning its environmental activities?

Federal, State, County and City Officials

Both city officials have received mail outs.

Civic Organizations

The civic representatives interviewed answered yes.

Well Owners

Both well owner respondents have received CSSA mailouts.

Residents or Landowners near CSSA

Eight of the nine respondents have received CSSA mailouts. One interviewee indicated she may not understand all of the Fact Sheets� information, and that she found the information confusing. One respondent was not familiar with CSSA and requested that he be added to the mailing list.

  1. If you received a post-card mailout, did you elect to remain on the mailing list for future informational mailouts?

Federal, State, County and City Officials

The officials elected to remain on the mailing list.

Civic Organizations

The civic representative interviewed did not answer this question. Two did not receive post card mailouts, but were added to the mailing list at a later date.

Well Owners

Both well owner respondents received the postcard and elected to receive future CSSA mailouts.

Residents or Landowners near CSSA

Eight of the nine respondents either received the postcard mailout and elected to remain on the mailing list or were added to the list at a later date. One interviewee indicated she did not receive the postcard, but has received two fact sheets thus far. One respondent could not remember whether she had received the postcard. The respondent that was unfamiliar with CSSA�s environmental program was added to the mailing list.

  1. Did you attend one or both of the Public Meetings that CSSA held in October 2001 to inform the public about its environmental activities?

Federal, State, County and City Officials

One city official attended the public meetings. Another city official interviewed stated that his staff attended the meetings.

Civic Organizations

Two of the three civic representatives interviewed did attend the public meeting.

Well Owners

One well owner attended both of the public meetings. The other well owner did not attend the public meetings, but he was aware that they were being held.

Residents or Landowners near CSSA

Five of the nine interviewees attended the public meetings. One respondent was out of town that week and could not attend.

  1. Did you feel your questions/concerns were answered/responded to by the information presented at the October 2001 public meeting?

Federal, State, County and City Officials

The city officials interviewed did not answer this question.

Civic Organizations

Two civic representatives interviewed did not answer this question and one answered yes.

Well Owners

One well owner did not answer this question. The question was not applicable to the other well owner as he did not attend the public meetings, but he was aware that they were being held.

Residents or Landowners near CSSA

Four of the nine interviewees answered that the public meetings answered their questions and responded to their concerns. One respondent indicated that the question was difficult to answer as one can �always be more informed.� One respondent in particular answered that she is on the board of Leon Springs Villa Homeowners Association and she felt that Bexar Met was �pushing the problem under the rug� but that CSSA was �getting the word out�. One respondent was out of town that week and could not attend and one respondent did not know about the public meetings, and the question was not applicable to these respondents.

  1. Have you ever contacted any officials about questions/concerns that you have regarding environmental conditions at CSSA? If so, who did you contact?

Federal, State, County and City Officials

One of the two city officials interviewed answer yes, he had contacted the Federal officials (LTC Shirley).

Civic Organizations

Two of the three interviewees have contacted Bexar Met and CSSA officials.

Well Owners

The well owners interviewed have both contacted CSSA.

Residents or Landowners near CSSA

Four of the nine residents and landowners had contacted officials regarding CSSA. One spoke to the public officials that were present at the public meeting. Two respondents had contacted their water supplier, Bexar Met. One spoke to LTC Shirley when he contacted her for the mailing list for the Leon Springs Villas Homeowners Association. One resident did not know about the CSSA environmental program and the question was not applicable.

  1. Do you believe your concerns have been accurately reflected in the media coverage?

Federal, State, County and City Officials

The officials interviewed answer �not applicable.�

Civic Organizations

One interviewee answered �somewhat� and that he does not believe that Bexar Met has been completely forthcoming. One interviewee answered yes.

Well Owners

The well owners interviewed both answered yes. One well owner qualified his answer with statements that he would like CSSA to do independent testing of the water at CSSA�s expense.

Residents or Landowners near CSSA

Three residents answered yes, their concerns have been adequately reflected. One answered yes, but that they were not as concerned as other residents in the area. Three respondents answered �not applicable� because they did not remember any TV or radio coverage. One respondent stated he was very surprised at how little media coverage there has been. One respondent was not familiar with the environmental program prior to the interview, and his response was �not applicable.�

  1. What is the best way to provide you with information about the post?

Federal, State, County and City Officials

The city officials listed phone calls, email or US mail as the best method to contact them.

Civic Organizations

One interviewee provided his email address and answered that phone or mail is the best way to provide him information. The two remaining interviewees listed phone calls or US mail as the best methods.

Well Owners

Both well owners stated that mail outs were the best way to provide them with information.

Residents or Landowners near CSSA

Eight of the nine respondents answered that mail is the best way to provide information. Of the eight, one answered that telephone is fine and one mentioned the public meetings as a good method for providing information. One respondent added, �language in the fact sheets needs to be simplified.� The ninth respondent is interested in an RAB. He stated he had been told in the past there was no interest in the RAB, but that he is interested.

  1. Are there any environmental projects or initiatives for which you would like more information?

Federal, State, County and City Officials

The officials answered none or not applicable.

Civic Organizations

One interviewee stated he would like more information for any and all projects which impact Leon Springs. One interviewee stated he would like more information on any projects which affect the water wells for Fair Oaks Ranch. The third respondent did not answer the question.

Well Owners

One well owner did not know of any environmental projects on which additional information was needed. One well owner answered only that the water project should be taken care of.

Residents or Landowners near CSSA

One resident requested more information on whether they are still using the chemicals to clean the guns and asked whether CSSA was �telling the truth� about the environmental project. Three residents answered that they did not need additional information, only the groundwater program. Three residents answered they did not need any additional information on other environmental projects. One answered the he would like more information on everything, and just general information. One resident/landowner stated that he is concerned with the information that has been presented showing a less than accurate plume. He is concerned with the downgradient extent of the contamination. He also stated that some information mailed shows no plume at all, which is misleading to the public.

  1. In what manner would you like to be involved with future environmental work at CSSA?

Six respondents stated that the public meetings and mail outs were the manner in which they would like to be involved. Four respondents answered �not applicable� or did not respond. Other interviewees expressed in various ways that they want to be kept updated and informed on the current environmental program. One respondent again expressed his interest in participating in a RAB, if one is formed.

  1. Would you like to remain on or be added to the mailing list and receive future publications covering environmental activities at CSSA?

All respondents indicated they would like to remain on the mailing list for future mail outs and notices for the public meetings.

  1. If CSSA holds future public meetings informing the public about its environmental activities, would you be interested in attending?

Eleven of the sixteen respondents indicated they would like to receive notice of the meetings and would attend. Two respondents answered they may attend future public meetings. Three respondents indicated that as long as they are kept informed by other means, they probably wouldn�t attend.

  1. Based on what you know and may have learned today, rate the post�s efforts to-date to inform the public:

The majority rating the interviewees gave for the post�s efforts to-date to inform the public was a �1� (very effective), with the breakdown of answers as follows:


Gov�t officials

Civic Leaders

Well Owners

Local Residents


1-Very effective






2-Somewhat effective












4-Not very effective






5-Not effective at all






One civic community leader stated that only recently does he feel he has been adequately informed.

  1. Do you have any suggestions for ways the post can continue to inform the public in the future?

Six respondents indicated they had no suggestions for ways CSSA can improve its public relations. Six respondents indicated the current community relations consisting of mail, public meetings, and fact sheets, are the best ways to inform the public. One respondent suggested homeowners association meetings, TV and radio as other options. Two respondents did not answer the question. One respondent indicated his interest in the formation of a RAB.

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