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[Volume 1-4 Table of Contents]

Field Sampling Plan, February 1996

Table of Contents

Acronyms and Abbreviations

Section 1 - Introduction and Field Operations

1.1   Field Operations

1.1.1   Site Reconnaissance, Preparation, and Restoration Procedures

1.1.2   Surface Geophysical Surveys   Determination of Electromagnetic Measurement Locations   Equipment Functional Checks   Instrument Calibration

1.1.3   Soil Gas Survey Methods   Determination of Soil Gas Sampling Locations and Sample Depth   Soil Gas Sampling Method   Soil Gas Sample Screening   Soil Gas Analytical Equipment   Target Compounds and Calibration

1.1.4   Borehole Drilling and Soil Sampling

1.1.5   Field Screening During Drilling and Sampling

1.1.6   Lithologic Descriptions

1.2   Well Construction and Development

1.2.1   Monitoring Well Construction   Monitoring Well Completion Form   Monitoring Well Surface Completions

1.2.2   Monitoring Well Development

1.2.3   Monitoring Well Purging

1.3   Borehole Abandonment Procedures

1.4   Surveying

1.5   Equipment Decontamination

1.6   Field Activities

1.7   Investigation-Derived Waste Handling

Section 2 - Environmental Sampling

2.1   Sampling Procedures

2.1.1   Surface Soil Samples

2.1.2   Collection of Duplicate Samples

2.1.3   Matrix Spike/Matrix Spike Duplicate (MS/MSD) Sample Collection

2.1.4   Subsurface Soil/Rock Sampling

2.1.5   Groundwater Sampling

2.1.6   IDW Sampling

2.2   Sampling Handling

2.2.1   Sample Identification

2.3   Sample Custody

2.4   Quality Control Samples

2.4.1   Trip Blanks

2.4.2   Equipment Blanks

2.4.3   Field Duplicate Samples

2.4.4   MS and MSD Samples

2.4.5   Standard Reporting Units

2.5   Sample Analysis Summary

Section 3 - Field Measurements

3.1   HNu Photoionization Detector and Organic Vapor Analyzer

3.2   Sensidyne One-Stroke Pump and Tubes

3.3   HMX 271 Combustible Gas Indicator

3.4   Hydac Conductivity, Temperature, pH Meter

3.5   Water Level Indicator

3.6   Field Equipment Calibration

3.7   Equipment Maintenance

3.8   Instrument Decontamination

Section 4 - Field QA/QC Program

4.1   Control Parameters

4.2   Control Limits Field Sampling Plan

4.3   Corrective Actions

4.4   Record Keeping

4.4.1   Field Logbooks

4.4.2   Geological Logs

4.4.3   Project Change Records

4.5   Site Management

Section 5 - References

Table 2.3 - Summary of Project Analyses

Appendix A - Field Log Forms

Drilling Log

Groundwater Sample Record

Well Development Record