
[AOC 37]

Area of Concern 37

AETC RFI Work Plan Addendum

Soils: Krum Complex.

Known: The site consists of a fenced livestock area, approximately 0.4 acres in size. It is located in the North Pasture, northwest of Well 16 and north of Well D.

Previous Investigations (Updated): Under Order 67, a geophysical survey was conducted in May 1995 at all "open" areas within a 2,000-foot radius of Well 16. No anomaly was found in this area (labeled North Pasture at the time) and the area is now included as AOC 37.

Data Needs: Soil gas survey.

Closure Activities: The following activities constitute an initial investigation of AOC 37. This work will be completed as part of the requirements under the RCRA 3008(h) Order under AETC delivery order 5068.

  1. Conduct a soil gas survey of the mapped site in order to complete contour lines above Well 16. The soil gas survey will be set on a 100 ft. grid and tied into soil gas information collected from AOC 41 and AOC 66. Up to 6 points will sampled as shown on Figure AOC37-1.

  2. Since no anomaly was found during geophysical survey activities, the site can be closed under RRS1 without any further remediation if the soil gas survey results indicate no contamination. If appropriate, a technical/closure report will be prepared in accordance with TNRCC closure requirements.