[Volume 5]
Groundwater Chronology of Actions/Investigations
Year |
Month |
Action/Results |
Action Performed By |
Project Number |
1991 |
August |
Routine testing of CSSA water supply wells 1, 9, 10, 11, and 16 on August 8 and 9 indicated PCE, TCE, and DCE in well 16. The well 16 pump was turned off. |
NA |
Confirmation testing of well 16 on August 23 detected PCE and TCE above maximum contaminant levels (MCLs); CSSA took well 16 out of service. |
NA |
December |
Testing of wells D, 4, and 16 on December 4. PCE, TCE, and DCE were detected in well 16, and DCE in well D. |
Texas Water Commission (TWC) |
NA |
1992 |
October |
Conducted a water well inventory to verify location and condition of each well. Obtained water level measurements, well depths, and other pertinent information. Conducted well records search at CSSA. |
Parsons ES |
Order 67 |
November |
Sampled ten wells: well D sampled at top and bottom of water column. PCE and TCE above MCLs in wells 16 and D. General groundwater gradient to southeast. |
Parsons ES |
Order 67 |
Performed well survey on November 17-20 to locate each well and determine top-of-casing well elevations. |
Northstar Land Surveying |
Order 67 |
December |
Performed a down hole camera survey of wells 2, 3, 4, 6, 16, and D to define stratigraphic intervals and inspect well casings for leakage, depth of casing, potential shallow water infiltration, obstructions, and conditions for potential well abandonment. |
Specialty Maintenance Inc. |
Order 67 |
1993 |
March - May |
Submitted hydrogeologic report and work plan, Sampling Analysis Plan (SAP), and Health and Safety Plan (HASP) to AL/OEB, CSSA, EPA and TNRCC. |
Parsons ES, |
Order 67 |
May |
Provided comments on groundwater assessment work plan on May 18. |
EPA Region VI, Federal Facilities |
NA |
August |
On August 16, submitted response to EPA comments on groundwater assessment work plan. |
NA |
October |
Agreed on October 13 to suspend further investigation of groundwater contamination until EPA RCRA Enforcement reviewed investigation plans. |
EPA Region VI RCRA Enforcement, and CSSA |
NA |
1994 |
May |
Performed groundwater monitoring in CSSA water wells. Sampled thirteen wells. Water generally 150 feet bgl. General groundwater gradient to southeast. Analytical results indicated PCE in six well samples. PCE, TCE and cis-1,2-DCE were above MCLs in wells 16 and D. |
Parsons ES |
Order 67 |
August |
Downhole geophysical logging of wells 2, 16, and D. Obtained depth to Bexar Shale (310 ft bgl in well 2; 314-384 ft bgl in well 16). Water levels about 200 feet bgl. |
Parsons ES |
Order 67 |
September |
Discrete interval sampling in vadose zone in wells 2, 3, D, and 16; analytical results did not indicate that any one zone that might be conduit for migration of contaminants into wells. Installed surface casing in wells 2, 3, 4, 16, and D to 200 feet bgl, and upgraded surface completions. |
Parsons ES |
Order 67 |
October |
Quarterly sampling of groundwater monitoring wells. PCE and TCE above MCLs in wells 16 and D. |
Parsons ES |
Order 67 |
November |
Submitted groundwater monitoring report for second quarter 1994. |
Parsons ES |
Order 67 |
December |
Quarterly sampling of groundwater monitor wells, and three rounds of water level measurements to attempt determination of static levels after CSSA shut off water wells over weekends. PCE and TCE above MCLs in wells 16 and D. |
Parsons ES |
Order 67 |
1995 |
February - March |
Performed geophysical (EM and/or GPR) surveys and drilling and sampling at seven potential groundwater contamination source areas. PCE detected in oxidation pond soil samples. At SWMU B-3, PCE, TCE, DCE, and vinyl chloride found in one grab water sample, as well as PCE, TCE, and DCE in soil samples. Submitted third quarter groundwater monitoring report. |
Parsons ES |
Order 67 |
April |
Fourth quarter monitoring, and packer test performed in well 16. Packers first installed below Bexar Shale-Cow Creek contact, then within Bexar Shale. |
Parsons ES |
Order 67 |
May |
Conducted EM surveys in open areas within 1 mile around well 16. |
Parsons ES |
Order 67 |
1995 |
June |
Submitted annual 1994-1995 groundwater monitoring report and technical memorandums on geophysical surveys and soil boring investigations at seven potential source areas. Performed groundwater monitoring. |
Parsons ES |
Order 67 |
June - July |
Performed soil-gas surveys in all areas of geophysical anomalies to determine possible source(s) for chlorinated hydrocarbon contamination in groundwater. Found chlorinated volatiles at B-3 and O-1 in significantly higher concentrations than all other sites surveyed. Contours indicated soil gas migration generally North, South, and East of these two sites. |
Parsons ES |
Order 67 |
August |
Submitted technical memorandum on packer test in well 16. Quarterly groundwater monitoring of CSSA wells. PCE and TCE above MCLs in wells 16 and D. Installation of transducer in well 16 to monitor water levels and weather station near well 16. |
Parsons ES |
Order 67 |
August- September |
Surface geologic mapping across CSSA and analysis of geophysical logs from water wells at and around CSSA. Mapped two distinct fault zones, one near well 16 and one north of well 1. |
Parsons ES |
Order 67 |
October |
Meeting over groundwater investigation and the B-20 site on October 19 and 20. Discussed work to date, results, and future actions. With regard to groundwater investigation, agreed on future actions to focus on source characterizations. |
Orders 67 and 126 |
November- December |
Additional mapping and soil-gas surveys at O-1, B-3, and areas around well 16. |
Parsons ES |
Order 67 |
December |
Quarterly groundwater sampling of CSSA wells and four off-site wells for chlorinated volatiles and metals. PCE and TCE detected above MCLs in wells 16 and D. Upgrade of well 11. |
Parsons ES |
Order 67 |
1996 |
January |
Ground penetrating radar surveys around CSSA by Dr. Young, geophysical consultant. Seismic reflection survey from well 16 southeast to well 1 by Blackhawk Geosciences. Volatilization study at O-1 by AL/OEB and Parsons ES. Resampling of CSSA wells and one offsite well for metals. Survey of seismic points conducted by Macias. |
Parsons ES, AL/OEB, Charles Young, Blackhawk Geosciences, and Macias and Associates |
Order 67 |
February |
Submitted December 1995 quarterly groundwater monitoring report, work plan for SVE testing, work plan for Lower Glen Rose well installation, and geophysical subcontractor reports. Conducted groundwater monitoring. Installed initial SVE pilot test wells at B-3. |
Parsons ES |
Order 67 |
1996 |
March |
Conducted SVE pilot test at B-3 for removal of VOC contamination in soil. |
Parsons ES |
Order 67 |
April |
Drilled, installed, developed, and sampled two Glen Rose monitoring wells (MW1 and MW2). TCE was above MCL in both wells and PCE was slightly above MCL in MW1. |
Parsons ES |
Order 67 |
March - April |
Surveyed wells 1, 2, 3, 4, 11, 16, and D (upgraded wells) and monitoring wells MW1 and MW2; installed three GPS control points for all additional survey work. |
Macias and Associates |
Order 67 |
June |
Submittal of comprehensive groundwater investigation report and associated source characterizations at O-1 and B-3. |
Parsons ES |
Order 67 |
July |
Initiated order 023 to continue CSSA groundwater monitoring and well upgrades/installations. |
Order 23 |
November |
Purchase of low-flow QED portable pump system. |
NA |
1997 |
January |
Conducted groundwater monitoring using low-flow QED system (first of five events under Order 23). |
Parsons ES |
Order 23 |
May |
Conducted downhole camera surveys in wells 1 and 11, followed by upgrades using carbon dioxide treatment, installation of new casing in well 1, and installation of new pumps (CSSA purchase) and piping in both. |
ECO2 Solutions, Parsons ES |
Order 23 |
June |
Submitted final first quarter groundwater monitoring report. |
Parsons ES |
Order 23 |
October |
Quarterly groundwater sampling of CSSA wells and four off-site wells for chlorinated volatiles and metals (second of five events under Order 23). PCE and TCE detected above MCLs in wells 16 and D. |
Parsons ES |
Order 23 |
November |
Conducted downhole camera survey and well upgrade of well 9 using carbon dioxide treatments |
ECO2 Solutions, Parsons ES |
Order 23 |
1998 |
January |
Collected water level measurements from wells 1, 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 16, D, G, I, MW1, and MW2 on January 22. |
Parsons ES |
Order 23 |
October - December |
Collected water level measurements from wells 1, 2, 3, 4, 10, 11, 16, D, MW1, and MW2 on several occasions between October 20 and December 28. |
Parsons ES |
Order 23 |
November |
Collected groundwater samples from wells 1, 2, 3, 10, 16, MW1 and MW2 (third of five events under Order 23). |
Parsons ES |
Order 23 |
1999 |
January |
Installed new transducer in Well 16. |
Parsons ES |
Order 23 |
September |
Conducted groundwater monitoring at wells 1, 2, 9, 10, 11, 16, D, G, I, MW-1, MW-2, and three off-site wells. |
Parsons ES |
Order 23, |
November |
Submitted work plan addendum regarding groundwater analytical data generated by ITS Laboratory. |
Parsons ES |
NA |
December |
Conducted monitoring at wells 1, 2, 3, 9, 10, 11, 16, MW1, MW2 and one off-site well. |
Parsons ES |
Order 23 |
2000 |
March |
Conducted monitoring at wells 1, 2, 9, 10, 11, 16, I, MW1 and MW2. |
Parsons ES |
RL74 |
June | Conducted groundwater monitoring at wells 1,2,9,10,11,16,I,MW1, MW2, and one off-site well (second of five events under RL74) | Parsons ES | RL74 | |
September | Conducted groundwater monitoring at wells 1,2,9,10,11,16,I,MW1, MW2, and one off-site well (third of five events under RL74) | Parsons ES | RL74 | |
December | Conducted groundwater monitoring at wells 1,2,9,10,11,16,D,I,MW1, MW2, and one off-site well (fourth of five events under RL74) | Parsons ES | RL74 | |
2000-2001 | November-July (estimated) | Installed and developed 12 wells arranged in 4 clusters of 3 wells each (MW6, MW7, MW8, MW9) each cluster consisted of a well set in Cow Creek, Bexar Shale and Glen Rose formations. Borehole geophysics and packer tests were performed. | Parsons ES | RL 83 |
2001 | January-February | Installed and developed 3 Lower Glen Rose wells (MW3, MW4, MW5). Each well screened in lower 25 ft. of Geln Rose Formation. Borehole geophysics and packer tests were performed. | Parsons ES | DO23 |
March | Conducted groundwater monitoring at wells 1,2,9,10,11,16,D,I,MW1,MW2, and one off-site well (fifth of five events under RL74). | Parsons
June | Conducted groundwater monitoring at wells 1, 2, 9, 10, 16, D, G, H, I, MW1, MW2, MW3-LGR, MW4-LGR, MW5-LGR, MW6-CC, MW6-BS, MW6-LGR, MW8-CC, MW8-LGR, MW9-CC, MW9-BS, MW9-LGR and one off-site well (first of three events under DO5084). | Parsons ES | DO5084 | |
July - August |
Groundwater pumping tests at wells: CS-9, CS-10, CS-11, and CS-16. Off-site Water Well Survey |
Parsons ES | RL83 | |
September | Conducted quarterly groundwater monitoring at on-post and off-post wells. | Parsons ES | DO5084 | |
December | Conducted quarterly groundwater monitoring at on-post and off-post wells. | Parsons ES | DO5084 | |
2002 | March | Conducted quarterly groundwater monitoring at on-post and off-post wells. | Parsons | TO 0042 |
June | Conducted quarterly groundwater monitoring at on-post and off-post wells. | Parsons | TO 0042 | |
March |
Well Installation Report (MW3-LGR, MW4-LGR, MW5-LGR) Well Upgrade Technical Report (CS-1, CS-9, CS-10) |
Parsons | DO23 | |
August | Final Groundwater Pumping Tests for CS-10 and CS-16 | Parsons | ||
September | Conducted quarterly groundwater monitoring at on-post and off-post wells. | Parsons | TO 0042 | |
December | Conducted quarterly groundwater monitoring at on-post and off-post wells. | Parsons | TO 0042 | |
2003 | March | Conducted quarterly groundwater monitoring at on-post and off-post wells. | Parsons | TO 0042 |
June | Conducted quarterly groundwater monitoring at on-post and off-post wells. | Parsons | TO 0042 | |
August | Well Installation Report (12 Wells) | Parsons | RL83 | |
September |
Conducted quarterly groundwater monitoring at on-post and off-post wells. |
Parsons |
TO 0008 |
November 2001 - October 2003 |
17 new groundwater monitoring wells (MW11A-LGR, MW11B-LGR, MW12-LGR, MW12-BS, MW12-CC, MW17-LGR, MW18-LGR, MW19-LGR, MW1-BS, MW1-CC, MW2-CC, MW16-CC, WB01, WB02, WB03, WB04) were installed and 5 existing wells were upgraded (MW1-LGR, MW2-LGR, 16-LGR, G-LGR, I-LGR). |
Parsons |
TO 0042 |
December |
Conducted quarterly groundwater monitoring at on-post and off-post wells. |
Parsons |
TO 0008 |
2004 |
March |
Conducted quarterly groundwater monitoring at on-post and off-post wells. |
Parsons |
TO 0008 |
June |
Conducted quarterly groundwater monitoring at on-post and off-post wells. |
Parsons |
TO 0008 |
August |
Final Well Installation Report MW11A-MW19 and Westbays 1-4 |
Parsons |
TO 0042 |
September |
Conducted quarterly groundwater monitoring at on-post and off-post wells. |
Parsons |
TO 0008 |
December |
Conducted quarterly groundwater monitoring at on-post and off-post wells. |
Parsons |
TO 0008 |
2005 |
March |
Conducted quarterly groundwater monitoring at on-post and off-post wells. |
Parsons |
TO 0008 |
May |
Three-Tiered Long Term Monitoring Network Optimization Evaluation |
Parsons |
TO 0008 |
June |
Conducted quarterly groundwater monitoring at on-post and off-post wells. |
Parsons |
TO 0008 |
September |
Conducted quarterly groundwater monitoring at on-post and off-post wells. |
Parsons |
TO 0008 |
December |
Conducted quarterly groundwater monitoring at off-post wells. No on-post sampling was conducted due to the implementation of the EPA/TCEQ approved LTMO. |
Parsons |
TO 0008 |
2006 |
March |
Conducted quarterly groundwater monitoring at on-post and off-post wells. |
Parsons |
TO 0008 |
June |
Conducted quarterly groundwater monitoring at on-post and off-post wells. |
Parsons |
TO 0008 |
September |
Conducted quarterly groundwater monitoring at on-post and off-post wells. |
Parsons |
TO 0207 |
December |
Conducted quarterly groundwater monitoring at on-post and off-post wells. |
Parsons |
TO 0207 |
December |
Public meeting |
Parsons |
TO 0207 |
2007 |
March |
Conducted quarterly groundwater monitoring at on-post and off-post wells. |
Parsons |
TO 0207 |
June |
Conducted quarterly groundwater monitoring at on-post and off-post wells. |
Parsons |
TO 0207 |
September |
Conducted quarterly groundwater monitoring at on-post and off-post wells. |
Parsons |
DY02 |
December |
Conducted quarterly groundwater monitoring at on-post and off-post wells. |
Parsons |
DY02 |
2008 |
February |
Final Well Installation Report for MW20-MW25 |
Parsons |
TO 0008 |
March |
Conducted quarterly groundwater monitoring at on-post and off-post wells. |
Parsons |
DY02 |
June |
Conducted quarterly groundwater monitoring at on-post and off-post wells. |
Parsons |
DY02 |
August |
Conceptual Site Model Report Update, covers 1992-2007 |
Parsons |
TO 0008 |
September |
Conducted quarterly groundwater monitoring at on-post and off-post wells. |
Parsons |
DY02 |
December 2007 - September 2008 |
Water System Rehabilitation Construction |
Parsons |
TO 0022 |
December |
Conducted quarterly groundwater monitoring at on-post and off-post wells. |
Parsons |
DY02 |
2009 |
March |
Conducted quarterly groundwater monitoring at on-post and off-post wells. |
Parsons |
TO DO11 |
June |
Conducted quarterly groundwater monitoring at on-post and off-post wells. |
Parsons |
TO DO11 |
September |
Conducted quarterly groundwater monitoring at on-post and off-post wells. |
Parsons |
TO DO11 |
November |
Data Quality Objectives 2009 Update |
Parsons |
TO DO11 |
Public Meeting |
Parsons |
TO D011 |
December |
Conducted quarterly groundwater monitoring at on-post and off-post wells. |
Parsons |
TO DO11 |
2010 |
March |
Conducted quarterly groundwater monitoring at on-post and off-post wells. |
Parsons |
DO50 |
June |
Conducted quarterly groundwater monitoring at on-post and off-post wells. |
Parsons |
DO50 |
September |
Conducted quarterly groundwater monitoring at on-post and off-post wells. |
Parsons |
DO50 |
November |
Three-Tired Long Term Monitoring Network Optimization Evaluation Update |
Parsons |
DO50 |
December |
Conducted quarterly groundwater monitoring at on-post and off-post wells. |
Parsons |
DO50 |
2011 |
January |
Off-post GAC carbon change out and routine maintenance. |
Parsons |
US Army Contact |
February - April |
USGS logging of on- and off-post wells. |
NA |
March |
Conducted quarterly groundwater monitoring at on-post and off-post wells. |
Parsons |
US Army Contact |
TCEQ Approval – LTMO & DQOs |
Parsons |
NA |
March - April |
Wells CS-MW35-LGR & CS-MW36-LGR installed |
Parsons |
US Army Contact |
June |
Conducted quarterly groundwater ‘snapshot’ monitoring at ’all’ on-post and off-post wells. |
Parsons |
US Army Contact |
July |
Off-post GAC carbon change out and routine maintenance. |
Parsons |
US Army Contact |
September |
Conducted quarterly groundwater monitoring at on-post and off-post wells. |
Parsons |
US Army Contact |
October |
Installation of new GAC system at off-post well LS-5. |
Parsons |
US Army Contact |
December |
Conducted quarterly groundwater monitoring at on-post and off-post wells. |
Parsons |
US Army Contact |
2012 |
January - April |
Drinking water well CS-13 drilling and installation |
Parsons |
US Army Contact |
January |
Off-post GAC carbon change out and routine maintenance. |
Parsons |
US Army Contact |
March |
Conducted quarterly groundwater ‘snapshot’ monitoring at ’all’ on-post and off-post wells. |
Parsons |
US Army Contact |
June |
Conducted quarterly groundwater monitoring at on-post and off-post wells. |
Parsons |
US Army Contact |
July |
Off-post GAC carbon change out and routine maintenance. |
Parsons |
US Army Contact |
December |
Conducted quarterly groundwater ‘snapshot’ monitoring at ’all’ on-post and off-post wells. |
Parsons |
US Army Contact |
2013 |
January |
Off-post GAC carbon change out and routine maintenance. |
Parsons |
US Army Contact |
March |
Conducted quarterly groundwater monitoring at on-post and off-post wells. |
Parsons |
US Army Contact |
June |
Conducted quarterly groundwater monitoring at on-post and off-post wells. |
Parsons |
US Army Contact |
July |
Off-post GAC carbon change out and routine maintenance. |
Parsons |
US Army Contact |
September |
Conducted quarterly groundwater ‘snapshot’ monitoring at ’all’ on-post and off-post wells. |
Parsons |
US Army Contact |
December |
Conducted quarterly groundwater monitoring at on-post and off-post wells. |
Parsons |
US Army Contact |
2014 |
January |
Public meeting |
Parsons |
US Army Contact |
February |
Off-post GAC carbon change out and routine maintenance. |
Parsons |
US Army Contact |
March |
Conducted quarterly groundwater monitoring at on-post and off-post wells. |
Parsons |
US Army Contact |
June |
Conducted quarterly groundwater ‘snapshot’ monitoring at ’all’ on-post and off-post wells. |
Parsons |
US Army Contact |
August |
Off-post GAC carbon change out and routine maintenance. |
Parsons |
US Army Contact |
September |
Conducted quarterly groundwater monitoring at on-post and off-post wells. |
Parsons |
US Army Contact |
December |
Conducted quarterly groundwater monitoring at on-post and off-post wells. |
Parsons |
US Army Contact |
2015 |
February |
Off-post GAC carbon change out and routine maintenance. |
Parsons |
US Army Contact |
March |
Conducted quarterly groundwater ‘snapshot’ monitoring at ’all’ on-post and off-post wells. |
Parsons |
US Army Contact |