
[ECP Index]

TO 0009 Environmental Cleanup Plan

Section 6 -  Scheduling and Time Management and Section 7 - Recordkeeping and Reporting

Section 6 - Scheduling and Time Management

The AOC 55 Remedial Action project was awarded on September 25, 2002.    A project schedule outlining the activities to be completed during the project is presented in Table 6.1.

Section 7 - Recordkeeping and Reporting

7.1 - Submittal Requirements

Deliverables to be submitted during the AOC 55 Remedial Action project include:

AOC 55 Environmental Construction Quality Plan which describes the activities to be conducted during the construction of a low water crossing near AOC 55;

Removal Action Subcontractor Bid Package which will include specifications, contract requirements, and project schedule;

Comprehensive Geophysical Survey Summary Report which will summarize the geophysical surveys completed during the AOC 55 Remedial Actions, including those surveys conducted for determining lateral extents and the surveys conducted in surrounding areas;

Removal Action Report which will present a summary of the soil excavation activities including the areas excavated, the volume of soil removed, results of the confirmational soil sampling, and site restoration activities;

Interim RFI Study Report which will present a summary of the initial investigation tests at AOC 55, including location of anomalies, results of the analytical tests, and recommendations for continued operation;

Contractor’s Progress, Status, and Management Report which will present a summary of the activities completed for each task, activities for the next reporting period, status of deliverables, and any problems encountered;

TIM Meeting Minutes which will summarize the items discussed during the Technical Interchange Meetings and will include a list of attendees, items discussed, decisions made, and outstanding issues; and

This Environmental Cleanup Plan and associated addenda.

Four copies of the draft report and addenda submittals will be prepared and distributed for review and comment by CSSA (2) and AFCEE (2).  Submittals will not be forwarded to regulatory agencies until CSSA/AFCEE comments are incorporated and finalized.  Sixteen copies will be prepared for all final submittals for inclusion into the CSSA Environmental Encyclopedia.  Final copies of the deliverables will also be added electronically to the CSSA Environmental Encyclopedia.  The planned submittal schedule for these deliverables is provided in Section 7.

7.2 - Meetings

Project meetings to be conducted during the progress of the AOC 55 remedial action project include: a post-award meeting, a sub-contractors’ bid planning meeting, a DQO meeting, and 4 technical interchange meetings.  The post-award and sub-contractors’ bid planning meetings have already been completed.

The TIMs will be scheduled to coincide with key project activities to provide a forum to discuss specific task issues.  The TIMs will be attended by representatives from CSSA, AFCEE, Parsons, and potential subcontractors or regulators, as appropriate.