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16th Final Quarterly Progress Report

Interim Measures

Interim Measures (IMs) are being conducted to mitigate a current or potential threat to human health and/or the environment. The IMs are estimated to represent approximately 30 percent of the required actions at CSSA. The IMs include Interim/Stabilization Measures WP (7 percent of IM), IM Implementation (70 percent of IM), and Reports (23 percent of IM). Based on information currently available at the end of Quarter 16, the IMs are approximately 53 percent complete.

Task I - Interim/Stabilization Measures Work Plan

Task Description

The Interim/Stabilization Measures WP includes:

  1. A description of on-going and planned IMs;

  2. A statement of the objectives of each interim/stabilization measure, including how the measure mitigates a potential threat to human health and the environment and is consistent with and integrated into any long-term remedy for CSSA; and

  3. Proposed locations, design plans and specifications, construction, and operation and maintenance (O&M) requirements of the IMs, including a sampling and analysis plan (SAP).

Existing plans, which are included in CSSA’s Environmental Encyclopedia, are referenced to the extent possible.

Interim/Stabilization Measures include initial sampling and analysis of groundwater from off-post wells; sampling and analysis of groundwater in CSSA wells; identification of all off-post water wells located within ¼-mile of the facility boundary; evaluation of alternative measures and implementation of selected interim measures at Solid Waste Management Unit (SWMU) O-1; closure of SWMU O‑1; characterization and determination of proper disposition of soil piles at SWMUs B-8, B-20, B-24, B-28, and the Demolition Dud (DD) Area; and implementation of the identified disposition method. Continuation of on- and off-post groundwater sampling and analysis is being performed under the RFI phase of this project. The status of each interim measure is described below.

The draft Soil Pile Disposition Assessment was delivered to CSSA in April 2003. A proposed disposition method for the soil piles has been identified in the assessment under RL83. However, final implementation of the yet to be selected disposition method is not funded. Due to the amount of soil in these piles, it is anticipated that funding may be spread over several years.

A water well survey was conducted under RL83 to identify all wells within ¼-mile of the CSSA facility boundary. The final version of the Water Well Survey Report was submitted during Quarter 10 and is located in the Environmental Encyclopedia in Volume 5, Groundwater, Offsite Well Survey Report (August 2001).

Activities this Quarter


Efforts relating to the determination of proper disposition of previously sifted soil piles at SWMUs B-8, B-20, B-24, B-28, and the DD area funded under RL83 were continued in Quarter 16. The Draft Soil Pile Disposition Assessment Report funded under RL83 was completed during Quarter 16, and the final report will be completed and included in Volume 4 of the CSSA Environmental Encyclopedia during Quarter 17. A bench-scale study using Phosphate-Induced Metals Stabilization (PIMS) for stabilization of contaminated soil media will continue during Quarter 17.


O&M for the PIMS treatability study on excavated lead-contaminated soils at SWMU B-20 was continued during Quarter 16. Initial results of the treatability study, which is being conducted by UFA Ventures, Inc. through the Environmental Security Technology Certification Program (ESTCP) with support from Parsons, are further discussed under Task VI (Treatability Studies). When finalized, the UFA Ventures treatability study report will be incorporated into Volume 4 of the CSSA Environmental Encyclopedia. The PIMS field scale treatability study monitoring efforts are expected to continue through May 2003. During the summer of 2002, PIMS-treated soil was removed from the SWMU B-10 test cell and stockpiled at the SWMU B-20 site. Sampling and monitoring of lysimeters installed in the treated and un-treated soils at SWMU B-20 continued. The lysimeters were designed to allow collection of leachate from the site. Additionally, a bioassessment of the PIMS treatment technology was initiated during this quarter through Dr. Michael Ruby.

Percent Complete

The IM work plan task makes up approximately 7 percent of the IM phase and is 99 percent complete, based on the interim measures defined in the 3008(H) Administrative Order on Consent, located in Volume 1, Scoping Documents. Other investigation activities to be conducted are further discussed under RFI Activities, Investigation, Treatability Studies, etc., in the sections below. If further interim measures WPs are added to the scope of work in the future, the percent complete as stated will be adjusted.

Task II - Interim/Stabilization Measures Implementation

Task Description

SWMU O-1 (closed) – This task included excavation and removal of contaminated soil related to SWMU O-1, collection and analyses of confirmation samples, backfilling with clean fill material, installation of clay cap, and completion of the closure report. The fieldwork for this task was completed in August 2000. The closure report was completed in October 2000. The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) (formerly known as the Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission [TNRCC]) approved the SWMU O-1 closure on December 3, 2001.

Groundwater Sampling (complete) – This task included one round of groundwater sampling for all on-post monitoring wells and selected off-post water wells sampled in 1995. This sampling and analysis was complete in December 1999. Quarterly groundwater monitoring continues as part of the RFI task.

Off-post Well Survey (complete) – This task included identifying and locating all water wells within ¼-mile of the CSSA boundaries. The final report was issued in August 2001 and is located in Volume 5, Groundwater. Since completion of the Off-post Well Survey, three additional wells have been identified, sampled, and are being tracked by CSSA. Additional information on wells added to the off-post groundwater monitoring program is located in the Off-post Quarterly Groundwater Monitoring Reports included in Volume 5, Groundwater of the Environmental Encyclopedia.

The Draft Soil Pile Disposition Assessment Report was completed during Quarter 16 and will be finalized in Quarter 17. Bench-scale study of potential treatment technology (i.e., PIMS) will be initiated during Quarter 17. Upon completion of the treatability study, a final disposition will be recommended. Planning and implementation will proceed once the final remedy has been selected for the excavated soils at SWMUs B-8, B-24, B-28, and DD. Soils from SWMU B-20 are already being addressed under the PIMS Stabilization Treatability Study (Task VI, RCRA Facility Investigation). As part of the treatability studies for the soil pile disposition assessment approximately 20 tons of PIMS Apatite II material was purchased for stabilizing SWMU B-8 and SWMU DD soils for potential off-post disposal. The treatability studies on SWMU B-28, B-24 and B-20 will continue as previously reported and use of the PIMS material at those sites may occur as well.

  1. Percent Complete

The IM Implementation task makes up approximately 70 percent of the IM phase. This task is considered 45 percent complete, based on the current projected activities listed in Task II, Task Description. If investigation results at other sites indicate an immediate threat to human health or the environment, which warrant IM, the percent complete will be adjusted accordingly.

  1. Summary of Findings

Monthly samples of leachate generated at SWMU B-20 were collected from up to four lysimeters during each sampling event. The samples were analyzed for some or all of these metals: arsenic, barium, cadmium, chromium, copper, lead, mercury, nickel and zinc. Quarter 17 sampling events indicate leachate monitoring samples collected from the SWMU B-20 soils that were treated with the PIMS Apatite II mineral contain no soluble lead and trace amounts of soluble barium, copper, nickel and zinc. Lysimeter 4 was installed in non-treated soils and leachate analysis indicates approximately 350 micrograms of lead and measurable amounts of barium, nickel and zinc. All field treatability test results will be documented in the final report for the PIMS field demonstration expected in September 2003.

  1. Summary of Changes

No changes associated with Interim/Stabilization measures implementation occurred this reporting period.

  1. Summary of Contacts

No contacts occurred during this reporting period.

  1. Summary of Problems

No problems associated with IM activities occurred during this reporting period.

  1. Actions Taken to Correct Problems

No actions to correct problems associated with IM activities were necessary this reporting period.

  1. Projected Work for the Next Quarter

CSSA will continue with O&M activities for SWMU O-1 until a final remedy for the associated vadose and groundwater zone is complete. The continued O&M activities include maintaining the vegetative cover.

Contractor procurement activities associated with treatability studies for the soil piles at SWMUs B-8, B-24, B-28, and DD will be continued in Quarter 17. The final Soil Pile Disposition Assessment Report will be submitted in Quarter 17.

O&M activities, associated with the PIMS treatability study, are expected to continue through the next quarter. Activities include monitoring of leachate generated at the test sites, an in vitro bioassessment study, and maintenance of vegetative cover at the SWMU B-20 test site.

  1. Copies of Daily Reports, Inspection Reports, Data, etc.

There were no reports provided during this quarter related to Interim/Stabilization Measures.

Task III - Reports

Task Description

Reports associated with the IM include quarterly progress reports, environmental cleanup reports, groundwater monitoring reports, and an interim/stabilization measure report. This quarterly progress report is submitted as part of this task.

Reports required under the IM section of the Order are submitted in three phases. The first phase is a baseline report, the second phase are progress reports, and a final report upon completion of the project. This quarterly progress report fulfills the requirement for an IM progress report for activities including long-term operation, maintenance and monitoring at CSSA.

Activities this Quarter

IM activities are reported in this quarterly progress report. The Draft Soil Pile Disposition Assessment Report submitted was the only other report for the IM portion of work generated this quarter.

  1. Percent Complete

This task makes up approximately 23 percent of the IM phase. This task is approximately 64 percent complete based on the current projected activities listed in Task III, Reports, Task Description. If investigation results at other sites indicate an immediate threat to human health or the environment so that IM activities are required at additional sites, the percent complete will be adjusted accordingly.

  1. Summary of Findings

No findings associated with progress reports or IM reports are submitted this reporting period.

  1. Summary of Changes

No changes associated with progress reports or IM reports occurred this reporting period.

  1. Summary of Contacts

No contacts related to quarterly progress reports or IM Reports were made during this reporting period.

  1. Summary of Problems

No problems were associated with Interim Measures reporting this quarter.

  1. Actions Taken to Correct Problems

No actions to correct problems associated with IM reporting were necessary this reporting period.

  1. Projected Work for the Next Quarter

Preparation of the treatability studies for SWMUs B-8, B-24, B-28 and DD associated with determining the proper disposition of subject soils will be continued in Quarter 17 and the Soil Pile Disposition Assessment Report will be submitted as Final.

  1. Copies of Daily Reports, Inspection Reports, Data, etc.

No daily reports, inspection reports, or data related to the IM report were generated during this reporting period.

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