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Final 9th Quarterly Progress Report, May 1 - July 31, 2001

Table of Contents

This ninth quarterly progress report for CSSA, Texas, U.S. EPA Identification Number TX2210020739, is submitted in accordance with the Administrative Order on Consent (Order) issued to CSSA on May 5, 1999 pursuant to §3008(h) of the Solid Waste Disposal Act, as amended by RCRA, and further amended by the Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments of 1984, 42 U.S.C. §6928(h). This report addresses the ninth progress reporting period for the project and includes progress on the project from May 1, 2001 through July 31, 2001 (Quarter 9). Subsequent progress reports will continue to be submitted on a quarterly basis.

This report details work completed on tasks associated with four project phases outlined in the Order. Phase names and task names listed below are taken directly from the Order. For each active task, the information requested in the Order is provided in this report. If the task is not yet active, that is also noted.

Interim Measures

Task I:

Interim/Stabilization Measures Work Plan

Task II:

Interim/Stabilization Measures Implementation

Task III:


RCRA Facility Investigation

Task I:

Preliminary Report: Description of Current Conditions

Task II:

RFI Work Plan

Task III:

Facility Investigation

Task IV:

Human Health and Ecological Risk Assessment

Task V:

Investigation Analysis

Task VI:

Treatability Studies

Task VII:

Progress Reports

Corrective Measures Study

Task VIII:

Identification and Development of Corrective Action Alternatives

Task IX:

Evaluation of Corrective Measures Alternatives

Task X:


Corrective Measures Implementation

Task XI:

Corrective Measure Implementation Program Plan

Task XII:

Corrective Measure Design

Task XIII:

Corrective Measure Construction

Task XIV:



Attachment 1   Percent Complete Rationale and Financial Summary

Attachment 2   Preliminary Groundwater Monitoring Data

Attachment 3   List of Available Information from Quarter 9 Project Meetings

Attachment 4   Well MW-8CC Composite Graph of Contaminant Concentration with Depth

Attachment 5   Preliminary Sampling Data from AOC 65 and AOC 67 Investigation

Attachment 6   Correspondence

Details of the evaluation of the percent complete by task are included as Table 1. An updated project team chart along with telephone numbers and addresses is included as Table 2. Project financial information summary and the percentage of funds expended, which is required every third progress report, is included in Attachment 1.