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2nd Quarter - Final Quarterly Progress Report

Interim Measures

Interim Measures (IM) will be conducted to mitigate a current or potential threat to human health and/or the environment. The IM is estimated to represent approximately 30% of the required actions at CSSA. The IM includes Interim/Stabilization Measures Work Plan (7% of IM), Interim Measures Implementation (70% of IM), and Reports (23% of IM). At the end of Quarter 2, the IM is approximately 8% complete.

Task I - Interim/Stabilization Measures Work Plan

The Interim/Stabilization Measures Work Plan includes A) a description of on-going and planned interim measures; B) a statement of the objectives of each interim/stabilization measure, including how the measure mitigates a potential threat to human health and the environment and is consistent with and integrated into any long-term remedy for CSSA; and C) proposed locations, design plans and specifications, construction, operation, and maintenance requirements of the interim measures, including a sampling and analysis plan. To the extent possible, existing plans which are included in CSSA’s Environmental Encyclopedia will be referenced. As of August 2, 1999, completion of this task has been fully funded (under delivery order RL74).

Parsons Engineering Science (Parsons ES) submitted the final IM Work Plan to EPA for comment on September 2, 1999. 

  1. Percent Complete

This task makes up approximately 7% of the IM phase. This task was completed during Quarter 2, but as described below, a revision will be made to the IM Work Plan for O-1.

  1. Summary of Findings

No new findings associated with the IM Work Plan during this Quarter.

  1. Summary of Changes

The original IM Work Plan for SWUM O-1 called for a liner system to be installed between the interphase and bedrock (approx. 4 ft deep). The primary purpose of the liner is to prevent infiltration of rainwater which could provide a driving force for the potential contamination in the bedrock into the groundwater. However, a potential design change relocated the liner from the interphase to the surface to allow for rainwater runoff. Parsons ES is currently preparing revised text for the IM Work Plan.

  1. Summary of Contacts

No contacts related to the IM Work Plan were made during this Quarter.

  1. Summary of Problems

No problems related to the IM Work Plan were observed during this Quarter.

  1. Actions Taken to Correct Problems

No actions to correct problems necessary during this Quarter.

  1. Projected Work for the Next Quarter

The IM Work Plan will be revised to include the change in position of the liner from the bedrock to the surface. The IM Work Plan will be resubmitted next quarter after all comments from AFCEE and CSSA have been incorporated.

  1. Copies of Daily Reports, Inspection Reports, Data, etc.

No daily reports, inspection reports, or data related to the IM Work Plan were generated during this Quarter.

Task II - Interim/Stabilization Measures Implementation

The Interim/Stabilization Measures Implementation includes sampling and analysis of groundwater in off-site wells; sampling and analysis of groundwater in CSSA wells; location of all off-site water wells located within ¼-mile of the facility boundary; evaluation of alternative measures and implementation of selected interim measures at the oxidation pond (SWMU O-1); closure of SWMU O-1; characterization and determination of proper disposition of SWMUs B-8, B-20, B-24, B-28, and the Demolition Dud Area (DD) soil piles; and implementation of the identified disposition method. The status of each is described below.

Completion of this task has been partially funded. One round of sampling and analysis of three off-site wells (under RL74) and eight rounds of sampling and analysis of CSSA wells has been completely funded (under DO23, RL74, and RL83), along with interim measures and closure of SWMU O-1 (under RL74). An appropriate disposition method will be identified for the soil piles (under RL83). However, final implementation of the yet to be selected disposition method is not funded. Due to the amount of soil in these piles, it is anticipated that funding may be spread over several years.


Quarterly groundwater monitoring of on-site wells was performed the week of September 7, 1999 at CSSA. Additionally, three privately-owned off-site wells adjacent to CSSA were also monitored. The results of this monitoring event are summarized in Section B (Summary of Findings). Samples were analyzed by O'Brien&Gere Laboratory (O'B&G), Syracuse, NY.


Procurement activities for subcontractors took place this quarter. JEDI Drilling, Inc. was the driller chosen for the drilling at SWMU O-1. A statement of work for subcontractor excavation, capping and waste hauling activities was prepared this quarter. A request for quotation to potential subcontractors which will incorporate all of AFCEE's and CSSA's comments will go out next quarter.


On 10 August 1999, Banks Information Services provided Parsons ES with a database records search of all private and public wells within 1 mile of CSSA. The records search included information from both the Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission (TNRCC) and the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB). The search provided well log information and general proximity location as a starting point for the well research task. For this task, Parsons ES was charged to identify and visually locate/confirm as many wells as possible within 1/4-mile of the CSSA boundary. Between the dates of 13 September and 16 September 1999, Parsons ES performed a windshield survey which identified approximately 40 offsite wells within the study boundaries.


The field effort also included obtaining property information from the Bexar County Appraisal District. These data provided the current owner, address, and land use for each parcel identified with a well. The data has since been obtained electronically in a GIS format. Currently, results of the field effort are being incorporated into the CSSA GIS database.


On 5 October 1999, representatives from CSSA and AFCEE met with engineers of the Fair Oaks municipal utility district (FairCo) to discuss public water supply usage northwest of CSSA. FairCo engineers provided CSSA with pumping information, well completion records, and water level data. These data will be incorporated into the hydrologic conceptual site model at a later date.

  1. Percent Complete

This task makes up approximately 70% of the IM phase. With the well research and off site well sampling conducted during Quarter 2, this task is considered to be 6% complete.

  1. Summary of Findings

Results of the September 1999 groundwater monitoring event will be formally reported in a Quarterly Groundwater Monitoring Report which will be completed during Quarter 3. A summary of the preliminary un validated results is provided below:

Onsite Wells: Wells 16, MW-1 and MW-2 contained chlorinated VOCs (PCE, TCE, and cis-1,2-DCE) at levels below the November 1998 event (samples were collected in November 1998 after high rainfall) and about at the levels of the October 1997 event (little to no rainfall in the months prior to October 1997). The highest PCE was in Well 16 at 173 ppb, and the lowest in MW-2 at 9.23 ppb.

The only metal detected above MCL was nickel in Well 16.

Water quality parameters are consistent with previous results (pH approximately 7.5 avg; SP @ 380-770; alkalinity approximately 240-300; TDS approximately 300-500 ppm).

Offsite Wells: Three private water wells owned by Gombert, Thompson, and Hagendorf were sampled during the first week of September 1999. APPL, Inc. analyzed the water samples. The results showed no concentrations above the laboratory reporting limits (RLs), and no concentrations were above Safe Drinking Water Act MCLs. The only VOC listed with "F" flags was methylene chloride, a common laboratory contaminant. An "F" flag indicates a level identified between the method detection limit and the reporting limit for that analyte.

In addition, FairCo water well employees provided to CSSA an average weekly water elevation from FairCo's Well #20. This well is located northwest of CSSA near Ralph Fair Road. FairCo collects water levels from several wells over each week and averages the data. The water level data was from the week corresponding to the sampling event and was used to estimate groundwater flow and potentiometric contours in the area of CSSA and to the northwest. The CSSA water level data, evaluated with and without the additional FairCo #20 average water level, shows that in September 1999 the Lower Glen Rose groundwater flow direction in the area is southwesterly.

  1. Summary of Changes

No changes associated with the IM Implementation during this Quarter.

  1. Summary of Contacts

EPA received a notification letter dated October 19, 1999 providing notification of planned field activities at CSSA on November 1, 1999. The letter stated that field work would start with Interim Measures at the O-1 oxidation pond, and sampling for establishing background levels in soils and rock at CSSA.

  1. Summary of Problems

No problems related to the IM Implementaiton during this Quarter.

  1. Actions Taken to Correct Problems

No actions necessary.

  1. Projected Work for the Next Quarter


Procurement activities will continue next quarter. A request for quotation for contractors to perform capping, excavation, and waaste hauling at SWMU O-1 will be sent out next quarter. In addition, drilling to determine the extent of excavation necessary at O-1 will be conducted in early November.


It is anticipated that 20 borings will be drilled (15 shallow [4 feet] and 5 deep [27 feet]). 25 soil/rock samples will be sent to O'Brien & Gere Laboratories for analyses. One composite sample from the shallow boring and two samples from the deep borings will be collected.

  1. Copies of Daily Reports, Inspection Reports, Data, etc.

No daily reports, inspection reports, and/or data related to the IM Implementation generated during this Quarter.

Task III - Reports

Reports associated with the IM include progress reports and an Interim/Stabilization Measure Report. This progress report is submitted as part of this task. The IM Report will document all IM activities conducted at the facility. In addition, where appropriate, it will document whether the project is consistent with design specifications and whether the IM is performing adequately.

Completion of this task has been partially funded. Progress reports for two years (August 1999 – May 2001) have been funded (RL83). In addition, the IM Report associated with SWMU O-1 has been completely funded (RL74). While the determination of an appropriate disposition method for the soil piles has been funded, actual completion of the soil pile IM will likely be spread over several years due to funding difficulties. Therefore, completion of an IM Report for the soil piles has not yet been funded.

  1. Percent Complete

This task makes up approximately 23% of the IM phase. With completion of this progress report, this task is approximately 4% complete.

  1. Summary of Findings

No findings associated with progress reports this Quarter.

  1. Summary of Changes

No changes associated with progress reports this Quarter.

  1. Summary of Contacts

No contacts related to the IM Report were made during this Quarter.

  1. Summary of Problems

No problems associated with progress reports this Quarter.

  1. Actions Taken to Correct Problems

No actions to correct problems necessary during this Quarter.

  1. Projected Work for the Next Quarter

No work, aside from preparation of the next progress report, is projected for this task during the next Quarter.

  1. Copies of Daily Reports, Inspection Reports, Data, etc.

No daily reports, inspection reports, or data related to the IM Report generated during this Quarter.

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