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2nd Quarter - Final Quarterly Progress Report
Corrective Measures Study
The Corrective Measures Study (CMS) will consist of the identification, screening, and development of alternatives for removal, containment, treatment, and/or other remediation of the contamination that has been identified at CSSA. The CMS will be based on the results of the RFI, the identified corrective measure technologies, and the results of any treatability studies. The CMS is estimated to represent approximately 10% of the required actions at CSSA. The CMS includes identification and development of alternatives (15% of CMS), evaluation of alternatives (60%), and reports (25%). The CMS has not yet been initiated.
Task VIII - Identification and Development of Corrective Action Alternatives
This task consists of the three following components: A) an update to the Description of Current Conditions (DCC) Report; B) establishment of corrective action objectives; and C) identification, screening, and development of corrective measure alternatives.
Completion of this task has not been funded. This task makes up approximately 15% of the CMS phase. It was not active during Quarter 2, and no actions are anticipated during Quarter 3.
Task IX - Evaluation of Corrective Measures Alternatives
This task includes a description and evaluation of each corrective measure alternative that passes through the initial screening. For each alternative which warrants a more detailed evaluation, a detailed documentation of how the potential remedy will comply with each of the project standards will be included. The project standards will reflect the major corrective action objectives and components of remedies including cleanup of releases, source control and management of wastes that are generated by remedial activities. Detailed documentation for each additional evaluation criteria, including long-term reliability and effectiveness, reduction in the toxicity, mobility, or volume of waste, short-term effectiveness, implementability, cost, and results of public involvement, will also be included.
Completion of this task has not been funded. This task makes up approximately 60% of the CMS phase. It was not active during Quarter 2, and no actions are anticipated during Quarter 3.
Reports associated with the CMS include progress reports and a Corrective Measures Study Report. The CMS Report will include background information regarding the facility and current conditions, as well as descriptions of corrective action objectives, potentially applicable technologies, potentially applicable technology limitations, corrective measure alternatives identified after initial screening, and corrective measures standards and evaluation criteria.
Completion of this task is not funded. This task makes up approximately 25% of the CMS phase. It was not active during Quarter 2, and no actions are anticipated during Quarter 3.