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Technical Interchange Meeting

B20/GIS, Delivery Order RL33

February 13, 1997 - Meeting Minutes


February 13, 1997


9:00 am


CSSA, Boerne, TX


Contract F11623-94-D0024, Delivery Order RL33
SOW Para.,  Technical Interchange Meeting
Camp Stanley Storage Activity (CSSA) SWMU B-20 Investigation
Meeting Minutes 1 (SOW Para. 6.2.5, CDRL A007)


Project Status to Date

The meeting was held at the CSSA Building One conference room, beginning at 0900 hours on February 13, 1997.  This meeting was attended by representatives of CSSA, AFCEE, and Parsons ES.  The following were in attendance:



Rod Chatham

CSSA Director of Special Projects

Brian K. Murphy, CSP

CSSA, Environmental Officer

Jo Jean Mullen

AFCEE/ERD Restoration Team Chief

Beth Garland


Elizabeth Berman

AFCEE/ERC Chemical Engineer

Julie Burdey

Parsons ES, contractor

Ken Rice

Parsons ES, Austin, Task Manager

Meeting Purpose

The purpose of the meeting was to discuss issues relative to the B-20 ongoing investigations, review outstanding issues, and to update AFCEE and CSSA on the project status to date.

Meeting Agenda

The agenda was as follows:

Project Status

B-20 Site Investigations (Task 05)

GIS efforts (Task 04)

 B-20 treatability study (Task 06)

Schedule and budget

Issues to be resolved

Project activities for the next period (until the next TIM)

Project Status

B-20 Site Investigations (Task 05):

Julie Burdey briefly discussed the status of the current UXB efforts which includes completion of east extension clearing, vegetation clearing and surface survey in the Demo Dud area, and currently grids A2 and A3 being cleared of subsurface UXO.  The north extension UXO sweep area was removed from the scope of work with the addition of the subsurface clearance in grids A2 and A3.  UXO surface clearance at the Demo Dud and Mustard gas areas (geophysical survey) were also added to the scope.  CSSA will handle UXO items found outside of established boundaries of the B-20 SWMU as separate issues (i.e. B-20 boundary will not be extended).

GIS Efforts (Task 04):

Julie Burdey briefly discussed the project status of the GIS work ongoing.  The database design is 95 percent complete with the preparation of data continuing.  Brian Murphy requested information concerning recommendations of hardware requirements for using the GIS system.  He also indicated that a visit to Parsons ES Austin office to view and comment on the system may be possible.

B-20 Treatability Studies (Task 06):

Ken Rice briefly discussed the establishment of the cleanup levels for the B-20 area as it pertains to the treatability studies planned for the B-20 area.  The use of statistics to determine the cleanup criteria resulted in the possible removal of some metals from the contaminants of concern (COC) list (i.e., lead and barium for Brackett Tarrant soils).  Because of the use of statistics additional metals may be removed form the COC list for the Crawford Bexar soils.  After discussion of the project scope, it was agreed that an approach for the use of statistics should be made to the regulators and the results coordinated with the treatability study technologies and requisite cleanup criteria.

Schedule and budget

A draft project budget was presented for discussion.  Overall the project is on schedule, though the schedule needs for the additional areas for UXB efforts and B-20 treatability studies will be reviewed in the next month.  Any changes to the schedule will be requested through AMC.

Issues to be Resolved

Use of statistics for establishing cleanup criteria for the B-20 treatability studies.  An evaluation by a professional statistician to determine the most appropriate statistical method will be conducted.  The statistical methods will be presented to AFCEE and CSSA along with the TNRCC for concurrence.  A teleconference will be held during the next month between AFCEE and Parsons ES to discuss and resolve the comments associated with the proposed statistical approach.

Reporting of Demo Dud area and Mustard Gas area:  The use of the encyclopedia method as presented for the SWMU closure efforts was agreed for use in reporting the findings of the Demo Dud area.  The Mustard Gas area to be closed by notifying the TNRCC of activities associated with historical activities.  The presentation of findings to the TNRCC with a recommendation of no further action is planned.  Mustard gas area package will be prepared for CSSA submittal to TNRCC.  All existing information regarding the area will be attached.  Findings during this project will be summarized as well.

Reprogramming of budget for additional surveys for the Demo Dud and Mustard Gas areas:  CSSA would like approximately half the budgeted amount from meetings will be reprogrammed to site investigations for the Demo Dud and Mustard Gas areas.  Number of meetings should be cut in half, to a total of 5.

Project activities for the next period

Next period is assigned for the duration of time between TIM No. 1 and TIM No. 2, assumed to be approximately two months.

B-20 Investigations (Task 05):

  1. Submit draft revisions to background metals levels study on 21 Feb 97.

  2. Call TNRCC personnel (Kirk Coulter and Richard Clarke) regarding background issues at SWMU B-20 (i.e., cleanup criteria for the site vs. cleanup criteria for soil types).

  3. Complete B-20 field work and start report of findings.

GIS (Task 04):

  1. Continue GIS data preparation and database design, start GIS “roadmap.”

B-20 Treatability Studies (Task 06):

  1. Complete the statistical approach methodology and present to AFCEE, CSSA, and the TNRCC.

  2. Establish cleanup criteria for the treatability studies.

  3. Discuss treatability study progress with TNRCC, and provide results of that discussion to AFCEE and CSSA via email or facsimile.

  4. nitiate treatability study at B-20.

Action Items

Parsons ES

See Project Activities for Next Period.


B-20 Investigations (Task 05):

  1. Review draft TIM No. 1 meeting minutes and provide comments if necessary.

  2. Provide review comments as necessary for draft revisions to background metals study, to be submitted by Parsons ES on 21 Feb 97.

GIS (Task 04):

No actions.

B-20 Treatability Studies (Task 06):

  1. Review  statistical approach for establishing cleanup criteria.

  2. Review schedule to be submitted during the next period.


B-20 Investigations (Task 05):

  1. Review draft TIM No. 1 meeting minutes and provide comments if necessary.

GIS (Task 04):

No actions.

B-20 Treatability Study (Task 06):

  1. Review  statistical approach for establishing cleanup criteria.

  2. Review schedule to be submitted during the next period.