
[Table of Contents]

Environmental Assessment

Table 8 - Grit Blasting Sources

Medium Unit


Control Device

Operating Schedule

Wheelabrator blaster

Steel shot

Large American Wheelabrator baghouse outside of bldg. 90-2, installed on NW side (out) of bldg.; 3,720 cfm, 80 dust collection bags.  Exhaust vent is 12 inches by 12 inches and 13 feet 2 inches from the ground.  Bags changed/unit cleaned once since prior to 1966.

2 hours/day, 1 day/month, 12 months/year

Steel abrasive tumbler

Steel shot

Small American Wheelabrator baghouse outside of bldg. 90-2; 3,310 cfm; 48 dust collection bags.  Exhaust pipe is 8 inches diameter and 17 feet from the ground.

2 hours/day, 1 day/month, 12 months/year

Silverado sand blaster


25 bag baghouse inside bldg. 90-2; 600 cfm.  Dust collector does not vent to the atmosphere.

2 hours/day, 1 day/month, 12 months/year

Glass bead tumbler

Glass beads

Vents to cyclone which vents to baghouse inside bldg. 90-2; 900 cfm; 58 dust collection bags.  Dust collector is vented to the atmosphere.

Not in use