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Area of Concern 56
Chronology of Actions/Investigations
Year | Month | Action/Results | Action Performed By | Project Number |
Unknown | Unknown | Area used as a landfill. Located at the intersection of Bernard Road and East Outer Road. AOC consists of a surface depression on the south side of the intersection. | CSSA | NA |
1999 | July-August | EM and GPR geophysical surveys completed at AOC 56. | Parsons ES | RL83 |
2000 | January | Collected 3 surface soil samples (SS1-3) and analyzed for VOCs, SVOCs and metals. | Parsons ES | RL83 |
2002 | October | Parsons | RL 83 | |
2003 | December | Final TO 0019 Work Plan Addendum submitted. | Parsons | TO19 |
2004 | January - March | Began excavation with EOD personnel on site. Items found: 500-1000 antitank mine fuses, 37mm, 75mm, crushed drums, and paint cans. 411 UXO items found that need to be destroyed/cut up and disposed of properly. 3,858 cubic yards of waste material was excavated from the site. Closure and waste characterization samples collected. Excavated soil hauled off-post to Covel Gardens. Excavated area backfilled. | Parsons | TO19 |
June | Final RCRA Facility Investigation/Closure Report submitted to TCEQ | Parsons | TO19 | |
September | TCEQ | NA |