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SWMU Demo Dud Area (DD) Area
Chronology of Actions/Investigations
Year | Month | Action/Results | Action Performed | Project Number |
Unknown | Unknown | Area used for disposal of dud ammunition. Area is well marked with signs. | CSSA | NA |
1997 | February | Work Plan for DD Area Investigation submitted. | Parsons ES | RL33 |
February - May | UXO identification and removal work conducted. Begin removing observed UXO. Approximately 600 cubic yards of soil were excavated and stockpiled on site. | Parsons ES UXB | RL33 | |
June | Three samples of sifted soil (SIFT1-3) collected. Analytical results are currently in question due to ITS Laboratory practices. | Parsons ES ITS | RL33 | |
1999 | April | EPA memorandum indicated analytical results obtained from ITS are not usable. | EPA | NA |
November | Submitted work plan for resampling to replace analytical chemistry data generated by ITS Laboratory | Parsons ES | NA | |
2000 | March | Advanced 3 soil borings (SB1-3) and collected 9 soil/rock samples for VOCs, metals, and explosives analysis. | Parsons ES APPL, Inc. Data Chem | RL33 |
April | Collected 3 Sift samples (Sift 4-6) for VOCs, SVOCs, metals and explosives (1 sample) and metals (2 samples) analysis | Parsons ES APPL, Inc. Data Chem | RL83 | |
2002 | May | Final RCRA Facility Investigation Report submitted. | Parsons | NA |
2003 | December | Final TO 0019 Work Plan Addendum submitted. | Parsons | TO19 |
2004 | January - May | Excavated top 1 foot of soil from site initially. Closure and waste characterization samples collected. Excavated soils hauled off-post to Covel Gardens. | Parsons | TO19 |
July - September | Excavated soil in areas where samples exceeded background. Confirmation and waste characterization samples collected, excavated soils hauled off-post. | Parsons | TO19 | |
2005 | February | Parsons | TO19 | |
April | TCEQ | NA |