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SWMU Building 43 Work Plan
RL17 Project, February 1996
Soils: Tarrant Association, gently undulating
Known: Building 43 is an inactive makeshift ammunition demolition facility used to burn miscellaneous solid waste and ammunition. The area adjacent to Building 43 is covered with molten metal and spent ammunition.
Previous Investigations: Soil gas survey performed in area around Building 43 as part of investigation into potential presence of chlorinated volatile organics between SWMUs B-3 and B-4. As the grid was spaced every 100 ft, and the building is only about 20 by 25 ft, the interval was not adequate to characterize the Building 43 site.
Data Needs: Map, geophysical survey, and soil gas survey
Closure Activities: The field team should be observant for UXO. The following activities constitute an initial investigation of SWMU B-43.
SWMU Building 43 Field Effort 1
Review historical records as described in Section 2.4.1 of the Work Plan Overview.
Field map the SWMU as described in Section 2.4.1 of the Work Plan Overview.
Conduct a geophysical survey of the SWMU as described in Section 2.4.1 of the Work Plan Overview.
SWMU Building 43 Field Effort 2
Establish a grid for the geophysical survey and soil gas survey as described in Section 2.4.1 of the Work Plan Overview. Take a soil gas sample at each location as described in Section 2.4.1 of the Work Plan Overview and analyze for TCE, PCE, cis- and trans-1,2-DCE and the BTEX compounds (as outlined in the FSP).