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Solid Waste Management Unit Building 43
Chronology of Actions/Investigations
Year | Month | Action/Results | Action Performed By | Project Number |
Unknown | Unknown | Inactive makeshift ammunition demolition facility was used to burn miscellaneous solid waste and ammunition. The area adjacent to Building 43 is covered with molten metal and spent ammunition. | CSSA | NA |
1995 | July | Soil gas survey completed on July 19 between SWMUs B-3 and B-4 included SWMU Bldg. 43 area; however, the soil gas survey grid was spaced at every 100 ft. Bldg. 43 is only approximately 20 by 25 feet, so the soil gas survey interval was not adequate to characterize the Bldg. 43 site; however, TCE was detected in one soil gas sample at the Building 43 site. | Parsons ES | Order 67 |
1996 | February | Work Plan for Building 43 Investigation was submitted. | Parsons ES | RL17 |
March - April | EM geophysical survey performed on March 13 and April 2; one geophysical anomaly found that was not related to suspected waste management activities. | Parsons ES | RL17 | |
1997 | August | Surface of site was swept by UXB for UXO on August 28. No UXO was found, only surface debris. | Parsons ES | RL33 |
1998 | March | Addendum to Work Plan submitted for additional investigation at Building 43. | Parsons ES | RL53 |
2000 | February - March | Advanced 6 soil borings (SB1-6) and collected 18 soil/rock samples for VOCs, SVOCs, metals and explosives (3 samples) and VOCs, metals and explosives (15 samples) for analysis. | Parsons ES APPL, Inc. Data Chem | RL53 |
2001 | March | One wipe sample was collected from the Bldg. 43 burn box and analyzed for dioxins and furans. No dioxins or furans were detected above their RLs. | Parsons | RL53 |
2002 | December | Final RCRA Facility Investigation Report submitted. | Parsons | RL53 |
2003 | March | Ten additional surface soil samples collected for metals analysis in an effort to define horizontal extent of contamination. | Parsons APPL, Inc. | RL17 |
June | Final RCRA Facility Investigation Report Addendum submitted. | Parsons | RL17 | |
December | Final TO 0019 Work Plan Addendum submitted. | Parsons | TO19 | |
2004 | July | Excavated soil around building. Confirmation and waste characterization samples collected. | Parsons | TO19 |
November - December | Excavated soil hauled off and building demolished. | Parsons | TO19 | |
2005 | January | Approximately 100 cu. yds. of soil treated with PIMS. Scrapped up another 300 cu. yds. of soil from the surface. | Parsons | TO19 |
February - March | Hauled out excavated soils to Covel Gardens. Collected confirmation samples from sidewalls and bottom surface of excavation. | Parsons | TO19 | |
April | Final RCRA Facility Investigation Closure Report submitted. | Parsons | TO19 | |
August | Closure approved by TCEQ. | TCEQ | NA |