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Solid Waste Management Unit B-8
Chronology of Actions/Investigations
Year | Month | Action/Results | Action | Project |
Unknown | Unknown | Site used as a fired small arms ammunition brass area. Consists of piles of fire bricks and ammunition shells and remains. | CSSA | NA |
1995 | February | Geophysical survey performed. Two anomalies found, only one potentially related to past waste management activities. | Parsons ES | Order 126 |
1996 | February | Work Plan for B-8 investigation submitted. | Parsons ES | RL17 |
August | Three soil borings drilled and sampled. Analytical results are currently in question due to ITS Laboratory practices. | Parsons ES | RL17 | |
1997 | March | Work Plan addendum submitted. | Parsons ES | RL33 |
August | Anomaly identified during geophysical survey was excavated. Excavation contained two large pieces of concrete. After excavation, no additional anomalies detected. | Parsons ES | RL33 | |
1999 | January | Plan for interim measures submitted. | Parsons ES | RL74 |
April | EPA memorandum indicated analytical results obtained from ITS are not usable. | EPA | NA | |
November | Submitted work plan for resampling to replace analytical chemistry data generated by ITS Laboratory | Parsons ES | NA | |
2000 | March | Three soil borings advanced (SB1-3) for Rework and 9 samples were analyzed for VOCs, metals and explosives. | Parsons ES | Rework |
April | Collected 3 sift samples (Sift1-3), analyzed for VOCs, metals, and explosives (1 sample) and metals only (2 samples) analysis. | Parsons ES | RL83 | |
2001 | January | Two additional soil samples collected from stockpiled soils were analyzed for the leachability of contaminants. | Parsons | RL83 |
2002 | April | Final RCRA Facility Investigation Report submitted. | Parsons | NA |
2003 | December | Final RCRA Facility Investigation Report Addendum submitted. | Parsons | RL83 RL17 |
December | Final TO 0019 Work Plan Addendum submitted. | Parsons | TO19 | |
2004 | July | Excavated areas where samples exceeded for lead. 37mm projectiles on surface, nails and burnt material found in the target areas and a 4-inch water line. | Parsons | DY01 |
October | Excavated 4-inch water line and removed from site. | Parsons | DY01 | |
2008 | February | Removed existing piles on site and scraped top 1 foot of soil from entire site. | Parsons | DY01 |
March | Collected 14 waste characterization samples. Hazardous soils separated and treated with PIMS. | Parsons | DY01 | |
May | Treated PIMS soils sampled for confirmation then moved to the East Pasture berm, 2,190 cubic yards. | Parsons | DY01 | |
June | Excavated areas where samples exceeded for barium, lead, copper, and zinc. Collected 11 confirmation samples. | Parsons | DY01 | |
2009 | March | Hazardous soils separated and treated with PIMS. | Parsons | DO11 |
April | Excavated an additional ~600 cubic yards in areas that samples exceeded. Sampled PIMS treated soils and newly generated stockpile for waste generation. Moved ~500 cubic yards of soils to East Pasture berm. | Parsons | DO11 | |
May | Collected 15 confirmation samples from recently excavated areas. | Parsons | DO11 | |
2010 | June | Performed XRF analysis at the site to determine the extent of metals in surface soils. Analysis performed on several soil samples to determine the correlation between XRF and laboratory results showed good correlation for lead and zinc. | Parsons | DO50 |
2012 | February | SWMUs B-2, B-8, B-20/21, and B-24 were combined with RMU-1 as part of the active firing range. These sites will be investigated, remediated, and closed when the firing range is no longer active. USEPA Memorandum dated February 29, 2012. | USEPA | NA |