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SWMU B-30 Work Plan
RL17 Project, February 1996
Soils: Krum complex
Known: Records indicate that B-30 was used for disposal of miscellaneous construction debris including scrap concrete, roofing shingles, and construction trash (ES, 1993b).
Previous Investigations: Located during field activities.
Data Needs: Map, geophysical survey, and analytical data for surface soils.
Closure Activities: The following field activities will be performed to gather data for TNRCC closure submittal of SWMU B-30.
SWMU B-30 Field Effort 1
Review historical records as described in Section 2.4.1 of the Work Plan Overview. Notify CSSA and AFCEE staff of the potential for asbestos at the site, and of the actual sampling schedule.
Field map the SWMU as described in Section 2.4.1 of the Work Plan Overview.
Conduct a geophysical survey of the SWMU as described in Section 2.4.1 of the Work Plan Overview.
Sample and analyze surface soils from three locations as described in Section 2.4.1 of the Work Plan Overview. Analyze each sample for SVOCs, VOCs, and metals (as outlined in the FSP).
SWMU B-30 Field Effort 2
If any surface samples taken during the first field effort have constituent concentrations exceeding background levels, or if subsurface anomalies are evident, all three soil borings will be drilled to characterize the subsurface soils.
Locate, receive approval, and drill borings at surface sample locations exceeding background concentrations as described in Section 2.4.1 of the Work Plan Overview.
Obtain two samples per boring near the middle and total depths as described in Section 2.4.1 of the Work Plan Overview.
Analyze each subsurface sample for SVOCs, VOCs, and metals identified in the surface (as outlined in the FSP).
Water is not expected to be encountered at the site. However, if water is discovered in any of the soil borings, all three borings will be sampled and potentially completed as groundwater monitor wells as detailed in Section 2.4.1 of the Work Plan Overview. Sample groundwater, where present, as described in Section 2.4.1 of the Work Plan Overview and analyze each sample for SVOCs, VOCs, and metals identified in the surface soils (as outlined in the FSP).
Handle the IDW in accordance with the FSP.